We develop leaders who shape the future.
Courses | Consulting | Coaching | Mastermind Circles
Leadership is a worthwhile quest, but it can feel:
What if you connect with a cast of fellow leaders on your journey?
What if you could access experienced guides to show you the way?
What if you could acquire effective tools to overcome your challenges?
What if you discovered how to appreciate each stage of the adventure?
Common Challenges for Leaders and Teams
Unclear Purpose
When teams do not know why they are working together, they waste more time and effort.
Lack of Trust
When teams do not trust each other, they withdraw and undermine group processes.
Poor Communication
When teams do not communicate well, they stop working together to find resolutions.
Insufficient Training
When teams do not develop the required skills, they struggle to meet expectations.
Uncertain Goals
When teams do not understand the jobs that need to be done, they do not deliver results.
Low Engagement
When teams do not feel valued or recognized, they disengage and block meaningful progress.
We love helping teams overcome these pitfalls and achieve better performance.
It is time to invest
The next generation of leaders already work in your organization.
Unforgettable online learning adventures focused on the skills required to lead your team. Get the training you need to level up.
Price range: $150 - $6,500 CAD
Customized conversations (onsite or online) to engage your team in strategy, team performance, or leadership development.
Price range: Depends on scope
Confidential one-on-one conversations focused on key transitions and leadership skills. Talk to a trusted guide.
Price range: $350 - $1,750 CAD
Mastermind Circles
Facilitated bi-monthly meetings with a small cohort of leaders just like you. Discuss your stuff with a confidential circle of confidants.
Price range: $2,500 - $3,000 CAD
“Leadership takes work. It takes time and energy. The effects are not always easily measured and they are not always immediate. Leadership is always a commitment to human beings.”
— Simon Sinek, Leaders Eat Last
Working with us is Easy
Invest in your learning and build your team capacity.
1. Schedule a Free Call
In a 30 minute discovery call, we will discuss what is impeding progress and determine how we might work together.
2. Choose Your Adventure
Evaluate your options, select the solution that works best for your timeline and budget, and jump in.
3. Celebrate Your Success
Put in the work, grow your confidence, and watch your leadership practice grow. Best of all, your team will notice the difference too.
Leading others is hard. The list of duties is long.
You need to define your purpose, build trust with your team, clarify goals, commit, execute effectively and, if you’re lucky, you may enjoy a season of high performance. Most teams are dysfunctional, because very few leaders understand how to build team competence, confidence and capacity.
We offer human-centred solutions that bring your leadership to life. We are creating programs that support leaders at every stage of the journey from the first-time project manager to the experienced executive.
Whatever your role, I am confident that we can help.
M.J. D’Elia