Actionable insights through better group conversations
Expertise exists in your team, we help you find it.
High-stakes conversations can be difficult for leaders to execute due to:
Lack of experience planning important conversations
Inability to engage the conversation with true objectivity
Tendency to allow personality differences to impede progress
Limited knowledge and awareness of outside perspectives
Insufficient communication and support through change
No time to effectively manage and monitor progress
Engagement Format
We facilitate workshops and problem-solving sessions in real life and in your space.
You gather the people and we’ll bring our:
Sticky note exercises
Hands-on activities
Customized worksheets
Bad jokes
We also lead group conversations and offer tailored programming in virtual spaces.
You gather the people and we’ll bring our:
Video conferencing software
Digital whiteboard tools
Group engagement platforms
Bad jokes
Common Conversations
Vision and Values
Defining your purpose
Strategic Planning
Choosing the right directions
Creative Problem Solving
Finding new ways to work
Team Performance
Delivering better results together
Organizational Design
Putting the pieces in place
Change Management
Dealing with transitions
Commit to meaningful change
Better conversations lead to better organizations.
1. Make a Call
In a short discovery call, we will scope your next high-stakes conversation and follow-up with a few recommended options.
2. Co-design Plan
We will work together to plan the conversation, prepare participants, and make all necessary arrangements.
3. Join the Group
With an effective plan in place, you will have confidence to jump in, join the conversation, and find solutions.
Consulting Questions
It depends. We do put together RFPs for projects that are in our wheelhouse. We are a small facilitation and training company in the Okanagan Valley (British Columbia, Canada), so we have to pick our spots. If you have a project that might suit us, we’d be happy to explore possibilities.
Yes, we love collaboration. Sometimes we function as the primary consultant on a consulting project and sometimes we sub-contract for another consultant.
We are an authorized partner for Everything DiSC, The Five Behaviors, Lego Serious Play and the Team Performance Model from Drexler/Sibbet. We also borrow liberally from Liberating Structures, Strategyzer, the International Association of Facilitators, the Creative Problem Solving Institute, and SessionLab.
We design experiences that engage all stakeholders whether the session is onsite or online. Using creative activities with clear instructions, we encourage participants to push themselves and their group to better solutions. Ultimately, the goal is to get participants to engage and share their perspectives. If participants leave the session without sharing, then the organization loses the benefit of their insights.
Facilitating teams is complicated.
Conversations related to strategy, culture, and alignment can be tough. Most leaders find it difficult to lead important group meetings and contribute to the discussion at the same time - too many hats to wear.
Pivotal conversations do not occur by chance.
We have the know-how to help.
Schedule a call and take the first step toward planning your next high-stakes conversation. Your organization needs you and your input, so bring us in to manage the process. If you aren’t satisfied with our proposal after our call, we’ll point you to other providers who have the skills you need.