What are your primary strengths?

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To complete the Core Four worksheet you will need to find some people who are willing to give you honest feedback. Ideally, you can find two people who know you personally and two people who know you professionally. Don’t worry, this won’t hurt – and it won’t take long! The basic task here is to see if there is some consensus on your primary strengths.

We’ve all heard that it is best to work from your strengths, but sometimes that is easier said than done. What if you can’t name your strengths? What if you don’t know which strengths are dominant? Maybe the Core Four worksheet will help. This simple worksheet is built on “Quest 36: Spot Your Strengths” from Jane McGonigal’s book, SuperBetter (definitely worth reading!).

From a design perspective, I arranged the 24 character strengths from the VIA Institute on Character into a series of circles. Your job is to choose the four that best describe you. No sweat, right? You also need assign your friends the same task. Ask them to choose the four strengths that best describe you from their perspective.

Once you have all the feedback. It’s time to compare. Are you aligned personally and professionally? What’s the same? What’s different? Any surprises?

What’s your Core Four? Let the strength-based reflection begin.

Core Four Worksheet (1.4 MB)

Core Four thumbnail

Copyright, Use and Distribution

This worksheet is part of our Worksheet Wednesdays experiment. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You are free to copy and redistribute this worksheet. You can remix it or adapt it to your purposes, providing you share your revised version too. If you use this worksheet, please attribute Thirdway Think and link to thirdwaythink.com

Source of Inspiration

McGonigal, J. (2015). Superbetter. Toronto: Viking (“Quest 36”).

VIA Institute on Character (n.d.). Character Strengths. www.viacharacter.org


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